Steve Fairbanks, CEO of SIXFAIR Ventures (, recently worked with students in the Theresa S. Falcon Executive Masters in Business Administration Program at Bradley University’s Foster College of Business. Fairbanks both guest-lectured and worked with students in an ensuing workshop along with Dr. Aaron Buchko, co-author of the book “Performance-Based Strategy: Tools and Techniques for Successful Decisions”.
“The EMBA students at Bradley are not only smart, they are ‘matter-of-fact’ in their desire to make a real impact. I love that they try to find ways to immediately translate the theoretical and academic classroom experience directly back to their real-world situations” stated Fairbanks. During the workshop, students worked on two tools from the book, towards understanding, diagnosing and improving their individual company’s current state and strategic direction.
Fairbanks further commented, “The folks at Bradley and the Foster College of Business should be extremely proud of their new Business and Engineering Complex. The giant, live stock ticker scroll is the first thing you see when you enter from campus, and immediately reinforced for me the tie here between the academic and business worlds. It is amongst the nicest training environment I’ve ever presented in”.