Steve Fairbanks, CEO of SIXFAIR Ventures, LLC continued his involvement with the Theresa S. Falcon Executive Masters in Business Administration Program at Bradley University’s Foster College of Business. He renewed his guest lecturing role and further worked with students in a workshop format along with Dr. Aaron Buchko, co-author of the book “Performance-Based Strategy: Tools and Techniques for Successful Decisions”.
“We added two additional tools from the book into the collection of skills these executives have at their disposal to solve real-world problems” said Fairbanks. Furthermore, they were challenged to apply them to the individual situations and issues they face today. “It never ceases to amaze me how creatively and effectively these leaders make the transition from theory to practical application towards quickly developing winning solutions.” added Fairbanks.
I was also extremely impressed with the magnitude and dedication of Bradley University efforts in addressing the COVID-19 challenges in a university setting. The hybrid learning model worked well for this session. “It was the first time I did an entire presentation in a mask, and a Bradley University mask at that!” Fairbanks commented. “But the care they put into their students – both education and health wise – is one of the things I appreciate most about Bradley University”.